World War I PC / Windows Games
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Battlefield 1
October 21, 2016
Another full-fledged installment in one of the most popular series of war shooters played from the first-person view and developed since 2002, as the effect of cooperation between Electronic Arts and DICE. With its flamboyant title, Battlefield 1 introduces the series to the realities of the First World War. The story campaign depicts this global conflict through the eyes of several independent characters, who participate in twentieth-century's first modern military conflict. When it comes to the gameplay itself, the game reaches back to the roots of the franchise, offering larger, open maps and giving a great deal of freedom when it comes to approaching different objectives. Simultaneously, the single-player mechanics were significantly modified, in order for these to resemble the specifics of the multiplayer mode, which allows even up to 64 players to meet in one session. The new time period does not bring only the adequate weaponry and vehicles (planes, tanks, warships), but also makes it necessary to apply a different approach to combat - for instance, battles have become more brutal and a greater emphasis was placed on melee combat.

September 28, 2022
A multiplayer shooter game played from an aerial view. Foxhole emphasizes logistics-related tasks performed by the players - they have to gather resources, produce and deliver equipment, but also construct defensive structures. Developed by the Canadian studio Clapfoot, the game casts the players in the roles of regular soldiers fighting for one of two factions. The experience was inspired by battles fought during both World Wars. The players' goal is to take over and defend Town Halls located in different towns situated on the map. This goal cannot be achieved without tight cooperation between the comrades. Contrary to most games of this kind, weapons, ammunition and other parts of equipment do not simply appear in the soldiers' pockets - in Foxhole, almost every type of equipment has to be created and transported to a distribution point by some player. As a result, part of one's team fights the enemies, while the other serves the role of support at the same time, gathering resources, producing vehicles or equipment crates, and transporting weapons and ammunition using trucks. Additionally, the players can create automated defensive structures, such as bunkers or turrets, which can slow down the enemy's assault while one's allies are engaged in actions somewhere else.

February 27, 2009
Produced by the Polish studio The Farm 51 FPS with a plot set during the First World War. However, the creators did not strengthen historical realism and introduced supernatural elements, thanks to which we fight against demons, vampires and zombies. The game is based on joyful combat and fun consists mainly in clashes with large groups of enemies.

Darkest of Days
September 8, 2009
Dynamic FPS action, set in sci-fi reality, referring to various historical events. We play the role of the agent of the futuristic organization KronoteK, whose task is to ensure that no person changes the past of our civilization. Traveling in time we follow the fate of battles known from the civil war, world wars and other famous conflicts.

Valiant Hearts: The Great War
June 25, 2014
Valiant Hears: The Great War is an original action-adventure game that takes place during the World War I. It was developed by Ubisoft Montpellier, creators of best-selling platform games Rayman Origins and Rayman Legends. The game's plot is based on authentic letters from the WW1 period and tells the story of five heroes who were were brought together by the war and... a good-willed dog that can influence the fate of people. Among our heroes we will find a French captive, an American enlistee, a Belgian paramedic, an English pilot, and a German infantryman. Gameplay differs depending on which character we are currently controlling. We will have to solve riddles and puzzles, explore, and face some arcade elements. Even though the game's atmosphere and setting are a bit grim, Valiant Hears: The Great War tends to be a bit humorous. We will also find many stereotypes about the nationalities of our heroes in the game. Game's visuals are comic book-like, "hand drawn" to some degree.

Air Conflicts: Secret Wars
July 1, 2011
Arcade air shooter, taking place during World War I and World War II. We play as a pilot and take part in famous heavenly battles. Production allows you to play in two control modes and in addition to the campaign includes a pair of individual scenarios. The game does not lack multiplayer mode.

Wings of Honour
September 6, 2003
Wings of Honour is an air simulator set in the realities of World War I, produced by City Interactive's development studio. Players have the opportunity to test their piloting skills of two- and three-plane airplanes in twenty extensive missions. Depending on individual preferences, the flight physics model may be more or less realistic.

Red Baron (1990)
March 11, 1990
Red Baron is one of the most famous aircraft simulators in the history of computer entertainment, dealing with the subject of air fights during the First World War. Depending on your preferences, the player will play the role of a German or Allied pilot and will perform a number of missions on board one of more than twenty planes.

IL-2 Sturmovik: Flying Circus - Volume I
November 7, 2019
Il-2 Sturmovik: Flying Circus - Volume I is an expanded aircraft simulator, for the first time in the history of this series set in the realities of the First World War. 777 Studios and 1C are responsible for creating this production.

Command HQ
January 1, 1990
One of the first representatives of the real-time strategy genre. Ozark Softscape's masterpiece allows us to assume the role of commander-in-chief of a global superpower, under whose command we find infantry armies, mechanized divisions, groups of aircraft carriers, and even spy satellites and nuclear bombs. We control the warfare using the world map, on which the positions of all the forces of our faction and detected enemy troops are marked.

Wings! Emulated Amiga Edition
October 24, 2014
Mobile edition of the classic Cinemaware studio air shootout, based on a software emulator of Amiga computer, on which the game debuted in 1990. While playing, we play the role of the 56th squadron pilot, who took part in battles against German planes during the First World War.