Google Play Latest news

Historic Victory for Epic Games; Jury Rules Google Play Store is an Illegal Monopoly
Epic Games has won in court against Google. The jury found that the Android developer had guaranteed a monopoly of its services on Android devices through illegal methods.
video games
Adrian Werner
December 12, 2023

Android Games on Windows; Google Play Games Beta Launches
Google Play Games app, available for a long time in Google Play, is finally coming to Windows PCs. Users will be able to play games known from Android on their PCs.
video games
Martin Nothing
January 21, 2022

Google Creates App to Run Android Games on PC
Google is preparing an app that will enable PCs to run Android mobile games.
video games
Adrian Werner
December 11, 2021

Google Sues Epic; Fortnite on Android Still Bypasses Google Play's Commision
Google is suing Epic Games. As it turns out, despite Fortnite being removed from Google Play, the game continues to make money on Android - while avoiding paying a commission for the Mountain View giant.
video games
Michael Zegar
October 13, 2021

Google Play Flooded by Free Games Based on Squid Game; Some Reach 1 Million Downloads
Google Play was flooded by a wave of unofficial games based on the Squid Game series. The most popular of them was downloaded over a million times before it was removed.
video games
Adrian Werner
October 11, 2021

Google Play Cuts Revenue Share, Tim Sweeney Criticizes
Google, following Apple, is cutting the commission for developers submitting apps to Google Play store by half. Tim Sweeney, CEO of Epic Games, is not happy with this decision.
video games
March 17, 2021

Genshin Impact Wins GOTY on Google Play
Google Play informed that the prize for the game of the year was awarded to Genshin Impact, a game by the Chinese studio miHoYo.
video games
Adrian Werner
December 1, 2020

Yet Another Google Victim is no Longer Available on Google Play
The process of extinguishing Google Play Music continues. The shop where we could buy digital versions of songs has been shut down. By the end of the year the remaining functions of the service will also be removed.
hardware & software
Agnes Adamus
October 13, 2020

Fortnite Pulled From Apple and Google Stores; Epic Goes to War
Apple and Google have removed the shooter Fortnite from their respective app stores. Epic Games has responded with actions against both entities. The reason for the commotion is the high, 30% revenue share on these digital distribution platforms, which Tim Sweeney does not accept.
video games
Bart Swiatek
August 14, 2020
Epic Games Gives Up; Fortnite Launches on Google Play
Fortnite finally launched on Google Play, after a year and a half of distribution beyond this platform. This concession by Epic Games is the result of Google's policy to significantly hinder independent distribution.
Jacob Blazewicz
April 22, 2020
Fortnite Will Have to Pay the 30% Revenue Share on Google Play
Fortnite will not be exempted from paying the revenue share, if it is released on Google Play - the giant believes that any company offering their games on the platform should operate under equal conditions. Tim Sweeney argues that the company should change its approach and not impose the use of Google Play on all creators.
video games
Bart Swiatek
December 11, 2019

Malware Found in 25 Photo Processing Apps For Android
Cyber security company Symantec, has announced that 25 applications for editing photos for Android include malware. If you have any of them, remove it immediately.
hardware & software
Milosz Szubert
September 27, 2019
Google Play Store Will Also Have its Own Subscription
There is much to suggest that Google Play will follow the example of other platforms and will also introduce a subscription. The service will be called Google Play Pass and will be competing with Apple Arcade.
hardware & software
Barth Faryna
September 10, 2019
Next Huawei Smartphone Without Google Apps
Google has confirmed that Huawei's smartphones will not be licensed for the most popular applications, including YouTube and Google Maps, as a result of a trade ban imposed by the US authorities.
hardware & software
Barth Faryna
August 30, 2019
Highly-popular Android App Contained Dangerous Virus
CamScanner - Phone PDF Creator app has been containing a dangerous virus that installs other harmful files on your phone. The effects of atheTrojan can be very serious. The program has already been removed from Google Play Store, but in the past, it was very popular - it was downloaded over 100 million times.
hardware & software
Bart Swiatek
August 29, 2019
Chess Rush - Dota Underlords Competitor Now on iOS and Android
Today, Chess Rush, a new production from Tencent Mobile, debuted on the mobile gaming market. The title offers shorter matches than the competition and is now available in the App Store and Google Play.
video games
Konrad Serafinski
July 4, 2019
Popular Android Apps Were Stealing User Data
Six popular applications from one of the Chinese developers, which we can find in the Google Play store, stole users' data without their knowledge. Suspicious programs have already been removed from the database.
hardware & software
April 23, 2019