The Thaumaturge: Horses In the Sky

Horses in the Sky is Salutor Moran's second side quest from The Thaumaturge. Our walkthrough explains how to track down and stop a serial killer called Rybak, how to investigate the tracks next to Pielewin, how to free Kajetan, where the murderer's hideout is, and how to bring about a confrontation with Morana.


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One of the longest side quests in The Thaumaturge is Horses in the Sky, in which Wiktor attempts to catch the serial killer Fisherman and free imprisoned Kajetan so that you can confront Salutor Morana. On this page of our guide, we provide a detailed walkthrough for this complex investigation happening in Powisle district. Our guide shows how to get the hook from Piotrek, how to have the investigation reopened, how to retrieve the wedding ring, where in Powisle the Murderer's Hideout is located, possible variants of the Fisherman confrontation, and how to reveal Kajetan's Flaw in the final part of the quest.

Warning - this task has a time limit (Availability of this quest is limited). Don't put it off for later. Advancing too far in the main storyline may eliminate the option to complete the mission and its follow-up (a separate side quest Horses in the Sky).

Unlocking the side quest

1 - The Thaumaturge: Horses In the Sky - Side quests - The Thaumaturge Guide
  1. This quest is a follow-up to The Art of Dying side quest - to view the walkthrough for this mission, visit a dedicated page of our guide.
  2. Continuing from the previous task, Wiktor's primary goal is to make Salutor Moran appear in order to capture and tame him. The problem is that Kajetan - the Flawed person and the master of Moran - was arrested. The protagonist must find the real murderer who is called the Fisherman to free Kajetan from custody.

Recovering the hook from a group of children

2 - The Thaumaturge: Horses In the Sky - Side quests - The Thaumaturge Guide
  1. You start right next to the crime scene to which you were led by the previous quest, which is next to the shore in north-eastern Powisle. There is a group of children nearby and you need to talk to Piotrek who is among them. From the conversation, you'll learn that he has the sought hook, unlocking Little Thieves observation.
  2. There are two ways of getting the hook. The first is making an exchange. To get the saber you need for the exchange, you need to travel to Szulski Family Tenement House in Northern Srodmiescie. Go to the father's study on the first floor. The saber is on one of the shelves - return with it to the boys to get the hook.
  3. The second variant involves intimidating the children and forcing them to hand over the hook. This action will make a group of enemies led by Mietek appear, and you need to defeat them. Piotrek will hand over the hook after winning the battle.
  4. The quest item will land in your inventory, unlocking a observation - Hook.

Interrogating prostitutes

3 - The Thaumaturge: Horses In the Sky - Side quests - The Thaumaturge Guide
  1. Piotrek wants to help with the investigation and suggests meeting next to the local brothel. You can find it in the southern part of Powisle. Join Piotrek in the conversation with one of the prostitutes - Klara. Ask her about the Fisherman.
  2. Piotrek will suggest questioning other prostitutes and for this you have to wait until nighttime - next to the brothel there is a bench to change the time of day.
  3. Use Perception to find prostitutes in various parts of Powisle. Ask the women about the Fisherman and if necessary, refer to Piotrek.

Having the investigation reopened

4 - The Thaumaturge: Horses In the Sky - Side quests - The Thaumaturge Guide
5 - The Thaumaturge: Horses In the Sky - Side quests - The Thaumaturge Guide
  1. Activate Perception to locate Commissioner Pielevin - he is found in a small alley in northern Powisle. He won't let you see Kajetan, but you can show him the hook you obtained from Piotrek. This will unlock A Gleam in the Eye observation.
  2. Investigate a small area next to Pelevin - it is marked with a red circle on your map. Examine the area to unlock Broken Bottles and Police Hat observations. To scan all of the traces from this area, you need 5 Word Dimension points.
  3. Tip - to meet the requirement, proceed with The Reptilian Bash main quest to unlock Salutor Veles. This will allow you to level up Word Dimension through the Thaumaturgy menu, making it easier to achieve the needed 5 points. After unlocking both observations, the Dying Flame conclusion will be unlocked.
6 - The Thaumaturge: Horses In the Sky - Side quests - The Thaumaturge Guide
  1. You can now return to Commissioner Pelevin standing next to you. A Manipulation option will appear thanks to Salutor Veles.
  2. From the dialogue options, choose the one that requires 5 Word Dimension points - Inspire Pelevin's will to fight (screenshot above). If you're successful, Pelevin will be convinced to reopen the investigation.

Examining the latest victim's body

7 - The Thaumaturge: Horses In the Sky - Side quests - The Thaumaturge Guide
  1. Follow Pelevin to the Icehouse and go inside. By examining the corpse and exhausting all dialogue options, you'll unlock Last Victim's Body, Pebble, and Hideout observations.

Recovering Tadeusz Pielecha's wedding ring

8 - The Thaumaturge: Horses In the Sky - Side quests - The Thaumaturge Guide
  1. Leave the Icehouse and focus on the mission objective concerning the ring. The woman you are looking for is in the southern part of Powisle and next to her, you will find the Bench trail (screenshot above).
  2. Talk to the woman, and you will find out that she has sold the ring. Your next destination is the local pawn shop. You can find it in north-western Powisle but unfortunately, it is open only during daylight hours - if needed, use the bench.
  3. The ring can be obtained in two ways - intimidating the pawn shop owner, or by exploring the vicinity. In the store there are Figure and Mirror observations, and outside of the pawn shop - Toppled Ladder. Unlocking these three observations unlocks Touch Wood conclusion. With it, you can return to the owner - Wiktor can now convince him that the ring brings bad luck. This is a unique dialogue option that requires 5 Heart Dimension points.
  4. Regardless of the chosen variant, you'll recover the ring and unlock Victim's Wedding Ring trace.

Following the Pielecha's trail to Moonshine

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  1. Again you have to wait until night time. Talk to a prostitute in the vicinity of the pawnshop. Ask her about the latest victim. This will summon her Pimp accompanied by a group of thugs - you need to defeat them.
  2. After talking to the prostitute again, a new trace related to the Moonshine bar from Powisle district will be unlocked. The entrance to the venue is next to the place where Pielevin stands (screenshot above). You can also optionally talk to Piotrek and decide whether you need his help in the investigation.
10 - The Thaumaturge: Horses In the Sky - Side quests - The Thaumaturge Guide
  1. The first visit to Moonshine may result in a combat sequence.
  2. Inside the bar, use Perception to unlock new observations - The Bartender's Cloth, Axe, and A Cigarette Butt in an Ashtray. Talk to the bartender about Pielecha - you'll unlock Not a Word trace and At the Moonshine conclusion.
  3. Wiktor will have to convince the bartender to reveal the truth - you can choose either the intimidating variant or a special dialogue option (requires 2 Word Dimension points). Success unlocks Into Darkness and The Last Road observations.

Visiting the brothel

11 - The Thaumaturge: Horses In the Sky - Side quests - The Thaumaturge Guide
  1. The brothel is in the southeast part of Powisle. On the ground floor of the venue, look for Piano observation - it will unlock Tangled Mind conclusion.
  2. Next up, talk to Jadzia - you can intimidate her or settle Tadeusz's debt. There are 2 rooms on the first floor to explore and start from the room on the right (screenshot). With the help of Perception, you can unlock Toppled Table, Two Bottles, and Ornate Box observations. This will unlock Around the Rooms conclusion.
  3. Return downstairs and ask the owner of the brothel about Klara's whereabouts.

Finding the murderer and getting Kajetan out of prison

12 - The Thaumaturge: Horses In the Sky - Side quests - The Thaumaturge Guide
13 - The Thaumaturge: Horses In the Sky - Side quests - The Thaumaturge Guide
  1. Leave the brothel. Your new destination is the building in the northern end of Powisle - we show this area in the screenshot above. Before the entrance, you can find a trace - Cigarette Butts in a Can.
  2. You can go inside immediately or meet with Pelevin first (he is in the same location in the central part of the district). This will allow you to reveal to the Commissioner that Klara is the Fisherman. Pielevin will also learn the location of the muderer's hideout.

Confrontation in Murderer hideout

Save your game before entering the building, because the confrontation may have certain permanent consequences - The Thaumaturge: Horses In the Sky - Side quests - The Thaumaturge Guide

Save your game before entering the building, because the confrontation may have certain permanent consequences.

Inside the Murderer's Hideout, you'll meet the Fisherman - Klara. You will also learn that the woman has captured Piotrek. The confrontation can go two different ways:

  1. Klara commits suicide and Piotrek survives - this will happen if you continue the conversation without escalating the conflict. You can also use the Heart Dimension dialog option (4 points required).
  2. Klara kills Piotrek and commits suicide - this will happen if you try to incapacitate the woman or focus too much on freeing the boy.
14 - The Thaumaturge: Horses In the Sky - Side quests - The Thaumaturge Guide
  1. If you met with Commissioner Pielevin before the confrontation, an additional option may be available - after the initial exchange of words, the policeman will appear in the hideout and point his gun at the murderess. Pelevin will arrest Klara before the woman manages to take her own life.

Waiting for a call from Pelevin

15 - The Thaumaturge: Horses In the Sky - Side quests - The Thaumaturge Guide
  1. You need to wait for the further part of the quest to be activated. Regardless of the course of the confrontation with Klara, you must wait for Pelevin to contact you.
  2. Proceed with the main story just enough to unlock All Our Curses story quest, which means initiating Act 2 of the campaign. Wait for the phone in Szulski Family Tenement House to ring. Pick up the phone and you'll learn that Kajetan has been released from custody.

Going to Kajetan to catch Morana

16 - The Thaumaturge: Horses In the Sky - Side quests - The Thaumaturge Guide
  1. Return to the Powisle district. Kajetan's house is in south-eastern part of the map (screenshot above).
  2. Talk to Kajetan. The meeting will escalate into a confrontation with Morana - for a walkthrough for the fight, visit the Bosses chapter. After winning the fight, you can reveal the truth about the Salutor to Kajetan, or keep this knowledge to yourself. The quest will unlock, with you unlocking the ability to use Morana in combat (after taming it with the help of Rasputin).

The Thaumaturge

March 4, 2024

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