The Thaumaturge: All Trophies, Achievements, trophy guide

Our trophy guide for The Thaumaturge game contains information about all 57 achievements. You will learn what the requirements are for the achievements in the game and how difficult it is to get platinum in The Thaumaturge.


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On this guide page, we described all 57 trophies that can be unlocked in The Thaumaturge. Using our trophy guide, you will learn about the assumptions of achievements and what you will need to do. This will bring you closer to obtaining the platinum trophy in The Thaumaturge.


  1. How to unlock: Obtain all trophies.
  2. Comment: The platinum is also available on PC. This achievement is not exclusive to the PS5 version.

Back to Life

  1. How to unlock: Make a full recovery with the help of a miracle worker.
  2. Comment: This trophy is related to making progress in the main story - you cannot miss it. You will obtain it in the prologue after the first meeting with Rasputin.

Beast of Transcaucasia

  1. How to unlock: Catch the salutor who haunts the people of the village.
  2. Comment: This trophy is related to making progress in the main story - you cannot miss it. You have to defeat the first Salutor in the prologue - it's Bukavac and the fight is described in the Bosses chapter.

Chapter I. What Am I Doing Here?

  1. How to unlock: Finish your business in the village and go to Warsaw.
  2. Comment: This trophy is related to making progress in the main story - you cannot miss it. You will receive the achievement at the end of the prologue.


  1. How to unlock: Catch Lelek prowling the streets of southern Srodmiescie.
  2. Comment: This trophy is related to making progress in the main story - you cannot miss it. Finding Salutor Lelek is part of the Bastards of the Night main quest and the fight with Lelek is described in the Bosses chapter.

A Snake in Hand...

  1. How to unlock: Catch Veles, the salutor lured into the Imperial Hotel.
  2. Comment: This trophy is related to making progress in the main story - you cannot miss it.
  3. Finding salutor Lelek is part of The Reptilian Bash main quest and the fight with Veles is described in the Bosses chapter.

Chapter II. Stakes and Costs

  1. How to unlock: Learn about a particular court secret.
  2. Comment: This trophy is related to making progress in the main story - you cannot miss it. You will receive the achievement at the end of the first act.

Taming of Clay

1 - The Thaumaturge: All Trophies, Achievements, trophy guide - Appendix - The Thaumaturge Guide
  1. How to unlock: Don't let the Golem slip out of your hands.
  2. Comment: This trophy and Not My Clay, Not My Problem achievement described below are mutually exclusive. It's best to create a manual save before making a decision related to these achievements.
  3. You fight salutor Golem in the Clay Ambitions main quest, but only selected variants of the quest involve taming the Golem and adding him to the list of Wiktor's salutors.
  4. You must choose one of the variants of catching the Golem for yourself - this is the second or third dialogue option from the picture. As a result, the Golem will not be "handed over" to Ariel. You then have to defeat the creature in battle and we described it on the Golem page from the Bosses chapter.

Not My Clay, Not My Problem

2 - The Thaumaturge: All Trophies, Achievements, trophy guide - Appendix - The Thaumaturge Guide
  1. How to unlock: Keep the promise you gave Ariel Rofe and give the Golem back to him.
  2. Comment: This trophy and the Taming of Clay achievement described above are mutually exclusive. It's best to create a manual save before making a decision related to these achievements.
  3. During the Clay Ambitions main quest, you must choose the variant that allows Ariel to take over the Golem - this is the first dialogue option in the picture. This choice will mean that Wiktor will not have to defeat this salutor in battle.

Chapter III. This is Getting Serious

  1. How to unlock: Leave the clinic, and greet the martial law in Warsaw.
  2. Comment: This trophy is related to making progress in the main story - you cannot miss it. You will receive the achievement at the end of act 2.

The More, the Merrier

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  1. How to unlock: Strength in numbers. Join the coterie.
  2. Comment: This trophy and the Arm in Arm with the Devil achievement described below are mutually exclusive. It's best to create a manual save before making a decision related to these achievements.
  3. You choose allies at the end of The Last Days of Summer main quest. When talking to Upyr at the fireplace, choose Coterie - the moment of decision is shown in the picture.

Arm in Arm with the Devil

  1. How to unlock: Trust in Rasputin's plan and join him.
  2. Comment: This trophy and the The More, the Merrier achievement described above are mutually exclusive. It's best to create a manual save before making a decision related to these achievements.
  3. At the end of The Last Days of Summer main quest, choose Rasputin while talking to Upyr by the fireplace. Wiktor will burn his father's grimoire.

This Picture Makes Me Look Fat

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  1. How to unlock: Tear off all the wanted notices with your picture.
  2. Comment: Wanted posters appear from the moment you complete the In the Abyss main quest, i.e. escape from the Citadel. Look for these interactive objects while exploring Warsaw, and do not proceed to the game's finale until you unlock this achievement.

My Work Here is Done

  1. How to unlock: Get to the end of the adventure.
  2. Comment: This trophy is related to making progress in the main story - you cannot miss it. Get any ending.

What If I Just Quit...

  1. How to unlock: Quit it all and leave Warsaw forever.
  2. Comment: This trophy is for an alternative ending to the game, which may appear during the decision at the fireplace during The Last Days of Summer main quest. Wiktor, instead of getting involved with Rasputin or the Coterie, will leave Warsaw.

Howdy, Partner

  1. How to unlock: Get into the Tsar's court as Rasputin's friend.
  2. Comment: This is one of the trophies related to the ending of Rasputin's storyline, i.e. the Waiting for a Miracle main quest. You have to choose the option of cooperating with Rasputin until the very end.

Stay Put!

  1. How to unlock: Use Rasputin to get into the Tsar's court.
  2. Comment: This is one of the trophies related to the ending of Rasputin's storyline, i.e. the Waiting for a Miracle main quest. The opportunity to use Rasputin appears during the final conversation with the Tsar.

Let My Will Be Done

  1. How to unlock: Become the Bloody Thaumaturge of Tsar Nikolai II.
  2. Comment: This is one of the trophies related to the ending of Rasputin's storyline, i.e. the Waiting for a Miracle main quest. During the final scene, you must betray Rasputin and reveal his plans to the Tsar. The result of this will be a confrontation with Rasputin, which we described on the Final boss page in the Bosses chapter.

The Price of Victory

  1. How to unlock: Get the victory paid with blood together with the coterie.
  2. Comment: This is one of the trophies related to the ending of the Coterie storyline, i.e. the Close to the Apple Tree main quest. You have to choose the lesser of two evils during the final confrontation with the Tsar.

The New Coterie

  1. How to unlock: Win the Tsar's favor together with the coterie.
  2. Comment: This is one of the trophies related to the ending of the Coterie storyline, i.e. the Close to the Apple Tree main quest. You must persuade the Tsar to fulfill all the demands of the Coterie.

Sketch Artist

  1. How to unlock: Sketch all local landmarks.
  2. Comment: This is one of the achievements related to secrets. You must get all 55 sketches - we have compiled them on the Sketches - Srodmiescie, Powisle, Powazki and Srodmiescie - Mirow, Praga, Bazaar pages in the Secrets and collectibles chapter.
  3. Note - Some sketches can be missed because, for example, they are only available when completing selected main quests.


  1. How to unlock: Watch all stereograph photos.
  2. Comment: This is one of the achievements related to secrets. You must unlock all 17 photos - we have compiled them on the Stereoscopic Photographs page in the Secrets and collectibles chapter.

Music Lover

  1. How to unlock: Collect all gramophone records.
  2. Comment: This is one of the achievements related to secrets. You must unlock all 8 records - we have listed them on the Gramophone Records page in the Secrets and collectibles chapter.

Posh Boy

  1. How to unlock: Collect all clothing sets.
  2. Comment: Collecting new clothes is related to The Tailor's Dilemmas side quest.
  3. You can look for new inspirations for the tailor from Northern Srodmiescie by scanning the districts of Warsaw with your perception - some of the discovered observations will be related to the tailor's quest. You will also collect a total of 10 fashion magazines, the list of which is in the Secrets and collectibles chapter.

Politically Involved

  1. How to unlock: Bring the cases of Petya, the workers, and the Lechites to an end.
  2. Comment: To obtain this trophy, you must complete The Price of Friendship, Quitting Time and First Page side quests - we have described all of them in our guide. These are time-limited quests, so complete them before the clock icon in the journal completely runs out.

Liar, Liar

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  1. How to unlock: Find out the truth about Petya, but still cover up for him in front of Uncle Sasha.
  2. Comment: This achievement is related to The Price of Friendship side quest. As part of this quest, you must find out how Ludwig died and avoid revealing this information during the final meeting with Woronin (second dialogue option in the picture).


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  1. How to unlock: Bucephalus deserves a truly luxurious saddle. Order up!
  2. Comment: This achievement is related to the Quitting Time side quest. During one of the steps in this quest, investigating Neumayer's office, a telephone will ring. You need to properly conduct a telephone conversation so as not to discourage the interlocutor and bring up the topic of the saddle (the above picture).

Yellow Marigolds and Her

  1. How to unlock: Tell Regina Wisniewska what her husband's last thoughts were.
  2. Comment: This achievement is related to the First Page side quest. One of the fragments of the investigation involves visiting the Wisniewskis' apartment in Northern Srodmiescie. Meet with Regina after determining what fate befell her deceased husband.

Eternal Student

  1. How to unlock: Get involved with the Flying University and see how it ends.
  2. Comment: Cognitive Function and A Story of One Lecture side quests are related to this group - we have described them in the walkthrough. These are time-limited quests, so complete them before the clock icon in the journal completely runs out.

Sweet Tooth

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  1. How to unlock: Bring doughnuts to the lecture at the antiquarian bookshop.
  2. Comment: This achievement is related to the Cognitive Function side quest. In the initial part, you need to visit a confectionery shop to pick up the ordered doughnuts, and then, after reaching the antiquarian bookshop, place the doughnuts on the table in the room with the students (picture).

Contribution to Science

  1. How to unlock: Bring about the legalization of the Flying University.
  2. Comment: This trophy is related to the good ending of the Flying University side story line. The game informs about the fate of this organization on one of the cards after ending the game (by default, members of the Flying University will be arrested).

Father’s Return

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  1. How to unlock: Let your father's ashes return home.
  2. Comment: This achievement is related to the They're Alive side quest. One of the possible endings is to reach an agreement with Wlodzimierz from WAS regarding the removal of father's ashes from the Powazki Cemetery. Wiktor will take the urn from the Szulski Family Mausoleum and take it to his father's office in the Szulski Family Tenement House (picture above).

Friends in High Places

  1. How to unlock: Try to get out of trouble by mentioning Abaurycy.
  2. Comment: You will meet Abaurycy for the first time in Bastards of the Night main quest. From this moment on, read all the dialogues and wait for an opportunity to mention him in the conversation.

Slippery Situation

  1. How to unlock: Catch Morana, the salutor of Powisle.
  2. Comment: There are two side missions related to capturing salutor Morana - The Art of Dying and Horses in the sky. At the end of the second quest mentioned above, Wiktor can reveal Kajetan's Flaw and start a duel with Morana, which we described in the Bosses chapter.
  3. Note - Both quests have a time limit, so complete them before the clock icon in the journal completely runs out.


  1. How to unlock: Bring about a bloodless solution to the conflict.
  2. Comment: This achievement is related to the Here We Go Again side quest. Find all the traces before you start the final confrontation with Kafar. This will allow Wiktor and Abaurycy to avoid the fight in the warehouse.

The Last Wish

  1. How to unlock: Catch Djinn who lures travelers in Mirow.
  2. Comment: This trophy and the Gift on Request achievement described below are mutually exclusive. It's best to create a manual save before making a decision related to these achievements.
  3. The trophy is associated with the Fearless side quest. The opportunity to catch Leila appears at the end of the quest, after catching Leila. The confrontation with Djinn is described in the Bosses chapter.

Gift on Request

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  1. How to unlock: Give Djinn to Leila.
  2. Comment: This trophy and the Last Wish achievement described above are mutually exclusive. It's best to create a manual save before making a decision related to these achievements.
  3. In the final part of the Fearless side quest, you must choose an alternative course of action - leave Leila with her Flaw and Djinn. This is the second dialogue option from the above picture.

Wiktor of Arabia

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  1. How to unlock: Win a fight with Ali by the watering hole.
  2. Comment: The opportunity to obtain the achievement appears while searching for the thief Leila in the Fearless side quest.
  3. One of the traces in the Mirow district is a water pump. After examining it, you will move to the oasis - you have to defeat Ali and other desert warriors.

Demanding Professor

  1. How to unlock: Discuss all the props with the students.
  2. Comment: This achievement is related to A Story of One Lecture side quest. Find the props in your father's office and present them to the students during the lecture.

It’s a Deal!

  1. How to unlock: Help Abaurycy with his vendetta like in the good old days.
  2. Comment: This achievement is related to the Here We Go Again side quest. You have to fight all the battles in this quest, including the final confrontation with Kafar in the warehouse in the Rozycki Bazaar district.

Someone’s Getting the Birch Rod...

  1. How to unlock: Don't let Krampus get away. Catch him!
  2. Comment: This achievement is connected with A rod for the hero side quest. The investigation carried out there will allow you to catch up with Edek and initiate a confrontation with Krampus - fight with this salutor is described in the Bosses chapter.
  3. Note - The quest has a time limit, so complete it before the clock icon in the journal completely runs out.

Complete Domination

11 - The Thaumaturge: All Trophies, Achievements, trophy guide - Appendix - The Thaumaturge Guide
  1. How to unlock: Win a fight with full Health Points.
  2. Comment: Try to get the trophy in one of the easy fights in the prologue - Shadows of Sins Past.
  3. A good opportunity is a fight with Vesna's neighbors from the picture. The game will then introduce the enemy focus mechanic - you can deprive them of focus and launch powerful attacks, and you will get rid of both opponents before they attack Wiktor.

Peaceful Solution

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  1. How to unlock: Win a fight only by imposing states on the enemies.
  2. Comment: Equip yourself with several skills and their upgrades that allow you to inflict suffering on your opponents (example in the picture). Each such state will allow you to drain several health points from the enemy each round and you can strengthen this effect up to 4 times.
  3. Use suffering in each subsequent turn - for Wiktor and Salutor (preferably Bukavac). After suffering kills a given opponent, weaken the next one in a similar way. Acquire the trophy in the early stage of the game to easily defeat opponents with a small amount of health.

Fast and Nervous

  1. How to unlock: Win a skirmish in 6 rounds or less.
  2. Comment: You can get the achievement in the first fight of the campaign. Use Wiktor's and Upyr's stronger attacks to deplete enemies of health points more efficiently.

Hands Off

  1. How to unlock: Keep enemies from launching an attack during a fight.
  2. Comment: Go to the description of the Complete Domination trophy. You can try to get it during the same fight.

Fight Club

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  1. How to unlock: Win all the fights in the ring in Powisle.
  2. Comment: You can get the trophy while searching for Javier in the To Dust, You Shall Return main quest.
  3. Wiktor will reach the Dungeon, where illegal fights take place. You must agree to step into the ring in place of Javier. This is a series of fights and the last group will include Alice and Bessie Gordon (picture above). Remember to heal a lot, because you won't be able to rest between the next battles.


  1. How to unlock: Break the focus of 25 enemies.
  2. Comment: You will learn the mechanics of depleting opponents' focus in the prologue. Use Wiktor's and Salutors' skills to remove one or several focus points. Choose enemies who have little focus at the start, e.g. only 1-2 points.

Eternal Suffering

  1. How to unlock: Impose the state of Suffering 100 times on your enemies.
  2. Comment: There are many attacks that inflict suffering on opponents, which makes them lose some health points in each round. Try to use these skills in every fight (e.g. Howl available to salutor Bukavac).

Not So Fast

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  1. How to unlock: Delay or interrupt the actions of 50 enemies.
  2. Comment: During fights, use skills and their upgraded versions that interfere with the opponents' action queue - an example of such an action is shown in the picture.

Factory of Pain

  1. How to unlock: Inflict 1,001 damage to your enemies.
  2. Comment: This is a simple achievement because the game adds up all the damage dealt throughout the game. You should obtain the trophy by simply playing the game.

Close Shave

  1. How to unlock: Win a fight with fewer than six Health Points remaining.
  2. Comment: There is a good chance that you will get the achievement during normal gameplay. Otherwise, participate in any fight and lead to a situation where 1 severely weakened opponent remains on the battlefield. Use passive attacks on him so the enemy will weaken Wiktor. After the hero has 6 or fewer health points left, finish off the opponent in the next turn.

Heart on Your Sleeve

  1. How to unlock: Show some heart. Fully develop this dimension.
  2. Comment: This is 1 of 4 achievements related to developing Wiktor's skill trees. For this trophy, you must recruit the optional salutor Djinn in order to purchase all active skills and their upgrades for the Heart Dimension.
  3. Note - You may not have enough points to unlock skills from all 4 Dimensions. We recommend that after a certain point you do not spend new thaumaturgy points immediately, but only accumulate them. After collecting a large number of points, perform a manual save, unlock 100% of the Heart tree, and then load the previous save to "recover" the spent points and try to get the remaining 3 trophies.

Man of Action

  1. How to unlock: Show active commitment and fully develop the Deed dimension.
  2. Comment: For details, see the description of the Heart on Your Sleeve trophy.
  3. You must recruit the optional salutor Golem, because only then can you develop the Deed tree in 100%.


  1. How to unlock: Be mindful – fully develop the Mind dimension.
  2. Comment: For details, see the description of the Heart on Your Sleeve trophy.
  3. You must recruit the optional salutor Morana, because only then can you develop the Mind tree in 100%.


  1. How to unlock: Keep your word. Fully develop the Word dimension.
  2. Comment: For details, see the description of the Heart on Your Sleeve trophy.
  3. You must recruit the optional salutor Krampus, because only then can you develop the Word tree in 100%.

Wings of Pride

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  1. How to unlock: Be guided by Pride and let your Flaw mature.
  2. Comment: From the very beginning of the game, use every opportunity to choose dialogue options related to the main character's Pride. An example of such a dialogue is shown in the picture - you will recognize it by the red icon and a small window with information that this is an answer related to Wiktor's Pride.

Now I Understand

  1. How to unlock: Experience all the visions that Upyr wants to show you.
  2. Comment: The trophy is related to the Memory Horizon side quest. As you advance in the campaign, you can play through subsequent visions prepared by Upyr, which show events from the past of Wiktor, Lygia and Abaurycy.

The Thaumaturge

March 4, 2024

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