The Thaumaturge: The Price of Friendship
The Price of Friendship is a side quest of the Imperial Hotel accident in the game The Thaumaturge. Our walkthrough explains how to pick up the quest from Voronin, how to get traces from Petia and the Krajewski family, how to uncover Petia's Taint and how to learn the truth about Ludwig's death.
The Price of Friendship is one of the larger side quests from The Thaumaturge. On this page of our guide, you can find a detailed walkthrough for the task - we show how to initiate this side quest, how to correctly question Petya and Krajewski Family, how to learn the truth about Ludwig's demise, how to reveal Petya's Flaw, how to retrieve the contract and what are the possible conclusions to the task involving an investigation in The Imperial Hotel.
Warning - this task has a time limit (Availability of this quest is limited). Don't put it off for later. Leaving the quest aside while progressing with other plotlines may cause you to lose the chance to complete the mission.
- Unlocking the side quest
- Learning more about The Krajewski Family
- Following the thoughts of Zygmunt
- Finding out the truth about Petya's involvement in the tragedy
- Conclusion
Unlocking the side quest

- The opportunity to proceed with this quest appears after completing The Reptilian Bash story quest in Act 1. After returning to Szulski Family Tenement House in Northern Srodmiescie, the telephone in the building should ring.
- Pick up the phone and you'll learn that Voronin is calling. Wiktor's uncle requires his help in solving a problem.
- Go to Southern Srodmiescie and find Police Station on the map. Once inside, go to Voronin's office and meet your uncle. You will learn about the incident at The Imperial Hotel, which led to Ludwig Krajewski's untimely death. You'll unlock Article from the Daily Courier and Ludwig's Death observations.
Learning more about The Krajewski Family

- The Krajewski house is located in the western part of the district, south-west of The Imperial Hotel. The entrance to the house can be found on the southern wall of the building.
- Here you'll encounter a journalist - Tobiasz Fejgin banging on the door of the Krajewskis' house. You can either chase him away or agree to exchange information after meeting with the family.
- Inside Krajewskis' house, use your Perception to find - Broken Plate, Coat With a Fur Collar, Photo of a Young Woman and Crumpled Bill observations.
- Talk to Zygmunt Krajewski. Each found trace unlocks a new dialogue option. Additionally, you can ask about the journalist and the relationship between Ludwig and Petya. This will unlock Petya's Purpose and A Profitable Relationship conclusions.
Following the thoughts of Zygmunt

- Exit the building. A short distance to the south, you will meet Tobiasz Fejgin again - the picture shows his location. You can once again chase him away or choose to share the information you have obtained. Tobias will be most interested in the relationship between Ludwig and Petya (third dialogue option).
- Activate Perception and a red trail will appear which you need to follow. It will lead Wiktor to a trace near the entrance to The Imperial Hotel - this will unlock Candle observation. Additionally, The Krajewski Family conclusion will be unlocked.
Finding out the truth about Petya's involvement in the tragedy

- Enter The Imperial Hotel. The concierge will inform Victor that Petya is in room 213 (observation The Concierge's Opinion on Petya will be unlocked). Use the stairs and reach the room at the end of the corridor.
- Talk to Petya Voronin. This meeting will escalate into a fight - you have to get rid of Petya's friends. After the fight, you can talk to Petya again and ask him about his recollection of events and the circumstances of Ludwig's death. This will unlock Outline of a Flaw and Events in the Lobby observations and The Young Master's Moods conclusion.
- Proceed to the balcony, where you'll find two more traces - Men's Shoes, and Hairpin. This will unlock a conclusion - The Hotel Tragedy.

- Return to the hotel lobby. You'll encounter the concierge talking to Anna Czarnikowna. The pregnant woman demands a conversation with the future father - Petya (Father of the Year observation).
- There are also additional observations connected to Petya to unlock - Newspaper and Profit and Loss Account.
- You can follow the concierge's thoughts. New red trail will lead Wiktor to the southern gate of the hotel (screenshot above). Here you can unlock an observation - Wiped Writing on the Wall. This will lead to a conclusion - Growing Pains.
- After returning to the lobby, you can use Manipulation on the concierge - requires 3 Mind Dimension points. This will result in the concierge allowing Anna upstairs.

- One of the optional objectives of this mission is making Krajewskis accept Petya's money.
- To do that, return to Krajewskis' home and talk to Zygmunt again. The man will refuse to accept the bribe, but you can convince him - this is achieved via a special dialogue option requiring 1 Heart Dimension point.

- Return to the hotel room. If Anna was let upstairs, she will inform Petya about her pregnancy.
- During the ensuing conversation, you can focus on Petya's Flaw (screenshot above) - discuss the topics of Anna and friendship. This will unlock the Selfishness Flaw for Wiktor (increases Mind Dimension by 1 point permanently).
- Additionally, you can force Petya to reveal the truth about the events that led to Ludwig's death.

- If you managed to learn the truth, you can meet with Hania - Ludwig's girlfriend.
- Leave the hotel and travel to Lock, Stock, and Barrel Bar in the eastern part of the map. Talk to the bartender, and this action will lead to a fight against a group of thugs.
- After winning the fight, you can talk to Hania. Talk to her about Petya and the accident and you will receive Petya and Ludwig's contract - this is the final proof about the cause of the young man's death.
Completing the quest
You can conclude the quest at the earliest after receiving an objective involving informing Voronin about the investigation results. The quest can be concluded before learning the truth about the causes of Ludwig's death or only after determining all the details of the case (receiving the contract from Hania).

Return to the Police Station and talk to Voronin again (he is sitting on a bench).
- You can hide the truth and cover for Petya (before or after learning the causes of Ludwig's death)
- You can tell Voronin of the bribery (only if you bribed the family with Petya's money).
- Furthermore, you can reveal the truth about Petya and Ludwig's bet but only if you received this information from Petya (by focusing on his Flaw). If you have the contract from Hania with you, you can give it to Voronin. Wiktor can advise Voronin on what to do with the contract - leave it in its original state or destroy it.
- You can tell Voronin about Anna's pregnancy, but only if you met her in the hotel lobby.

- If you found out the truth about the contract and the bet that contributed to Ludwik's death, you can share this information with the journalist and/or Zygmunt Krajewski. You can then hand the contract over or keep it for Voronin.
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