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Essays 31 July 2024, 01:25

Baldur's Gate Enhanced Edition. 20 classic PC games for Android and iPhone

Table of Contents

  1. Price: $9.99
  2. In a nutshell: a legendary RPG game

At the time of its launch in 1998, Baldur's Gate was a groundbreaking RPG that laid the foundations for what later titles in the genre looked like. If someone isn't afraid of rolling virtual dice, long hours spent talking, exploring, and fighting in active pause mode, they should give Baldur's Gate a chance today. The story told in the game is worth it to grit your teeth from time to time and accept the outdated mechanics. Since 2012, you can also play in an improved version on portable devices.

The porting of Baldur's Gate to smartphones and tablets wasn't without problems. Initially, the state of this production left much to be desired. In 1998, this RPG was revolutionary because of its user-friendly controls. However, the controls were poorly designed in the mobile edition. Just like optimization. The game could and still can crash at the least appropriate moment, which usually ends with the need to replay a certain part of the game. However, a long time has passed since the launch of the Android and iOS versions, and there have been many updates that have improved the state of this title. Currently, it's much better, but it's still far from perfect.

Enhanced Edition ported the first installment to the Baldur's Gate 2 engine (also available on mobile devices) and includes Tales from the Sword Coast expansion. In addition to this, three new characters and their associated quests were added in the updated version. Unfortunately, in the portable edition, two out of three companions must be purchased separately.

  1. Baldur’s Gate Enhanced Edition can be found on Google Play

Patrick Manelski

Patrick Manelski

A fanatic of MMO-games, who's lost in the fantasy world. He won't say no to a good book or TV series.


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