Ghost of Tsushima Needs New Game+; Players are Getting Bored
The samurai game from Sucker Punch launched last week, but some fans are already asking when the New Game+ option will appear. How to keep yourself busy before the devs deliver?

Last week's Ghost of Tsushima triumphs. The game received great reviews and there are no more game boxes left in Japan. However, the samurai style adventure game takes "only" about 50 hours to complete, provided that we want to reach 100%. Therefore, some players ask the creators for a New Game+ mode.
The new game plus is a gameplay mode that enables us to complete the game again at a higher level of difficulty, but keeping our skills and equipment unlocked on the first playthrough. On Reddit players point out that they've completed the game, but don't feel ready to leave it. The game has left behind so many warm memories that some people point to it as the game of the year. The devs' approach to players is also praised - in Ghost of Tsushima we won't pay for cosmetic items.
So what do those who want to stay in the universe of the game after they've completed it do? Some people develop their own ways to make the game more challenging. Others have decided to share interesting information with the rest of the players - e.g. a Reddit user foolra has found someone very similar to himself in the game world.

It turned out that foolra is an actor who lent his appearance to the character. He also described his adventure with the motion capture session.
"They basically put 350 green dots on my face, put me in a booth surrounded by 67 cameras, and made me do 81 facial expressions. I was in there for about 3 hours. By the end, I couldn't even talk or much less smile because all the muscles in my face were so fatigued."
Nevertheless, foolra has nice memories of participating in the development of the game. Other users asked him many questions and congratulated on his role; you can see it here. And how do you deal with your unquenchable apetite after completing a good game?
More:Another Indication That Ghost of Tsushima 2 is (or Was} Being Made