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Rise of the Ronin Guide

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Rise of the Ronin: How to beat Matthew Perry? Rise of the Ronin guide, tips

Matthew Perry is the second boss of the game Rise of the Ronin defeated in the prologue. In our guide we described the clash with the Commodore boss from the main quest Infiltration of the Black Ship.

Last update: 04 April 2024

Exploration of one of the Black Ships in the Prologue of Rise of the Ronin will end up in a battle against a western Commodore - Matthew Perry. On this page of our guide, we show when Perry is encountered in Infiltrating the Black Ship story mission, how to avoid red attacks of the boss, and how to successfully wear down and defeat the enemy captain.

Where is Matthew Perry?

  1. Matthew Perry is a Commodore of the United States Navy and the commander of the Black fleet that arrived in Japan.
  2. You will encounter this character for the first time during the course of Infiltrating the Black Ship story quest which is a part of the Prologue. During the quest, the heroes will explore the lower deck and the captain's cabin. Once you return to the main deck, you'll run into Perry, and the Blade Twins will start a boss fight.
1 - Rise of the Ronin: How to beat Matthew Perry? - Bosses - Rise of the Ronin Guide

How to defeat Matthew Perry?

2 - Rise of the Ronin: How to beat Matthew Perry? - Bosses - Rise of the Ronin Guide
  1. During this battle, you will have to complete a tutorial on how to react to red enemy attacks. The red color indicates that the boss is about to use such attack.
  2. You can dodge or use a perfect counterspark. The second option is very risky, because if you make a mistake, your character will suffer serious damage. Red attacks cannot be blocked - Matthew Perry can break through them and perform an enhanced attack on you.
3 - Rise of the Ronin: How to beat Matthew Perry? - Bosses - Rise of the Ronin Guide
  1. During the confrontation, it's worth grabbing the red barrels using the grappling rope (press R2 when the blue anchor icon appears). If you press the button, the hero will launch a barrel at the boss and if the target is struck, a burning negative status will be applied to the enemy.
  2. You can switch between Twins in this battle. Use this option if, e.g. you need a moment out of combat or want to attack the boss when he is turned the other way.
4 - Rise of the Ronin: How to beat Matthew Perry? - Bosses - Rise of the Ronin Guide
  1. The Commodore mainly sticks to melee attacks. Use Counterspark to stop the enemy in his tracks, breaking his guard which, in turn, gives you a chance to perform a critical hit (red icon above the boss).
  2. Perry may sometimes fire a ranged weapon - when that happens, perform a Dodge or stop the projectile with successful Counterspark. Successful countering the projectile with Counterspark may set the hero's weapon on fire (example in the screenshot) allowing you to deal additional fire damage with your strikes.
  3. You won't kill Perry at the end of the fight - you will encounter him again later in the game. Immediately after winning this battle, you'll have to fight again against a powerful Blue Demon boss - more on how to fight him on Can you defeat Blue Demon? page of our guide.
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