As we all know, teenage years officially end on your 36th birthday. 13 lessons The Sims taught us about life

- 13 Rules of Life According to The Sims
- After entering adolescence, everyone knows how to drive a car
- Undercover agents and astronauts are hired through the Internet
- As we all know, teenage years officially end on your 36th birthday
- Children are conceived by kissing
- Give enough complements to someone, and they'll go to bed with you
- If you are a man and want to have a child, consider allowing aliens to abduct you
- You can drink as much as you want, and you will not become an alcoholic
- Social service comes after three days of the baby crying
- Why bother mowing the lawn if you can just paint the ground green?
- If you talk to the mirror long enough, you'll get promoted
- A group of strangers knocking on the door? Let them in
- Even if you work as a janitor, a chauffeur will drive you to work
As we all know, teenage years officially end on your 36th birthday

A simple calculation. The average sim, thanks to advances in modern medicine, is able to live around 91 days. Change days for years, and you get a hefty lifespan, although not unachievable. 91 years is a decent time to get a visit from the Grim Ripper, or to start figuring out a way to live a bit longer. We can therefore convert one day for one year. Now do the maths, and it will turn out sims reach adolescence after 36 years. And that can only be interpreted in one way: as humans, we are thrown too early into the maelstrom of adulthood. Why? It's about the money. Children cannot work and earn. Someone in history decided that enjoying the carefree life of a children for too long is bad for GDP.
The truth, however – and the natural order – always triumph in the end. Nowadays, we can observe a slow return to the natural way of things among young adults under 36 years old, especially in Italy (nobody knows why there in particular). Are you inside the age range 0-36 and still staying with your parents, not having a job? There's nothing wrong with that. It's perfectly normal. Do let others tell you that you're big children, immature freeloaders, and vile lazybones. You're teenagers, and you're entitled to it all. If you're 36 years old and you still can't finish your bachelor's – don't worry! You should be proud of yourself, because you have just entered adulthood, and yet you're almost finished with university! You must be some kind of a genius!