News 08 May 2020
Apex Legends - Announcement and Release Date of Season 5
We found out when the fifth season of Apex Legends will start, and we learned a few details about the novelties in the game.
video games
Paul Wozniak
May 8, 2020
Desperados 3 Goes Gold
Mimimi Games has announced that the work on Desperados III has been completed.
video games
Paul Wozniak
May 8, 2020

Doom Eternal - Screenshots From First Story DLC
Two screenshots presenting new locations from the upcoming story expansion for Doom Eternal have just appeared online.
video games
Paul Wozniak
May 8, 2020

Working Computer Made in Minecraft
StitchyYT from YouTube created a working computer in Minecraft. For the time being, the laptop can't do much, but its creator wants it to run Minecraft in the future...
video games
Jacob Blazewicz
May 8, 2020
Steam Wishlists Top 10 - Zero Dawn Horizon Enters the List
We present a new edition of the list of the most popular games on Steam wishlists. This week, the top 10 features a new title, a famous production from Guerrilla Games, Horizon Zero Dawn.
video games
Bart Swiatek
May 8, 2020
WWII Resistance Strategy Game Launches on Android and iOS
Through the Darkest of Times has just went mobile. The strategy game, in which we lead a resistance movement against the Nazis in Berlin, is now available on Android and iOS devices.
Jacob Blazewicz
May 8, 2020
New Ryzen 4000 Zen 3 Supported Only by X570 and B550 Boards
The upcoming Zen 3-based Ryzen 4000 processors may not be a very budgetary solution. Only the X570, B550 and newer mainboard models will support them.
hardware & software
Mateusz Popielak
May 8, 2020

Build Your Own Chernobyl Power Plant - Patch for Workers & Resources
Startegy game Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic just received patch, which introduces, among other things, the possibility of constructing nuclear power plants. It also added a system of random map generation and a number of smaller improvements.
video games
Adrian Werner
May 8, 2020

AC: Valhalla Comes Under Flak - Fans Disgusted With Trailer
Players are not hiding their dissatisfaction with Assassin's Creed: Valhalla's gameplay trailer that shown yesterday. The criticism is mainly related to the fact that the material did not present the actual gameplay.
video games
Bart Swiatek
May 8, 2020

Stellaris is Just Warming Up; The Game has „Almost Infinite Potential”
On May 12, Stellaris, the 4X space strategy game from Paradox, will receive a major update 2.7, called Wells. The creators assured that despite being four years old, the title will still be developed in the future.
video games
Milosz Szubert
May 8, 2020

AC: Valhalla Will Not be the Biggest AC Game
Malek Teffaha - one of Ubisoft employees in the Middle East - admitted on Twitter that Assassin's Creed: Valhalla will not be the longest and biggest title in the history of the series.
video games
Bart Swiatek
May 8, 2020

Which Games Can be Transfered From XONE to Xbox Series X for Free?
We've learned a list of games that use Smart Delivery, a system under which a purchase of the Xbox One version will enable us to receive the game's Xbox Series X edition for free.
video games
Adrian Werner
May 8, 2020
Future of Escape from Tarkov is a New Faction and Huge Urban Map
A lot of novelties is coming to Escape from Tarkov. The biggest ones are a huge urban map called Streets of Tarkov and a new faction of opponents - cultists.
video games
Darius Matusiak
May 8, 2020

Destiny 2 Coming to PS5 and Xbox Series X
Bungie confirmed that they are working on porting Destiny 2 to next-generation platforms. Only the Xbox Series X version has been confirmed so far, but a release on PlayStation 5 is virtually certain.
video games
Adrian Werner
May 8, 2020
TGS 2020 - Japan's Most Important Gaming Fair Also Canceled
The organizers of the another industry event - the Japanese Tokyo Game Show 2020 - informed that it was canceled. Instead, there will be an online event. TGS was scheduled for the end of September.
video games
Bart Swiatek
May 8, 2020